Enable Netflow on Edgerouter

30 Aug 2020

ElastiFlow dashbord is up and running, now we need some data to collect. I am using an Edgerouter so lets enable netflow on that one.

set system flow-accounting interface eth0
set system flow-accounting interface switch0
set system flow-accounting interface switch0.10
set system flow-accounting interface switch0.20
set system flow-accounting interface switch0.30
set system flow-accounting netflow engine-id 1
set system flow-accounting netflow server port 2055
set system flow-accounting netflow version 9

So I have now enable ingress monitoring of my WAN port and my different VLAN ports. It is possible to enable egress monitoring, I will be thinkering around a bit more with how I want to monitor my network traffic.

To enable egress you run this command

set system flow-accounting netflow enable-egress

Using egress you should be able to monitor traffic both ways through your WAN port, this way you don’t have to enable all other interfaces.